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Achieve ultra clean and healthy-looking skin with the Double Cleanse regimen that begins with PreCleanse. Thoroughly melt away layers of excess sebum (oil), ...

Wait times might matter The reason I personally leave acids on for 15-20 minutes before moving to other steps is due to my preference for gentler formulations ...

Adult skin that's not regularly exfoliated may experience acne and more rapid visible aging. ... It is often not very vibrant in tone, and easily becomes ...

What else can I do to clear hormonal acne? Wash your face in the morning and again in the evening. Apply no more than a pea-size amount of any ...

If you have heard about Ultrasun before, you'll know that it's suitable for even the most sensitive of skin; its streamlined formulas are free from ...

The color of your veins will help you determine your undertone. “If your veins appear to be green, it's safe to say that you have more warm undertones,” ...

For her face, Alicia uses a moisturizer from Epicuren and Rosebud Salve lip balm. Both she says are longtime faves. "Anything with honey in it, fire amazing," ...

What Does Purple Shampoo Do? Purple shampoo acts as a toner to get rid of brassy tones and return your hair to a cooler, salon-fresh blonde. Using purple ...

Blue light is a shorter wavelength that destroys acne-causing bacteria on the skin's surface, while red light penetrates deeper to help with inflammation, but ...

Find a gentle dish soap or baby shampoo and gently wash your makeup brushes with warm water. For hair brushes and combs, a soapy washcloth can work to wipe ...

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