Should I kill or save Lorenzo?

Should I kill or save Lorenzo?

Killing Lorenzo is the morally sound choice to go with. If you don’t have much need for the serum then this is the option you should go for when faced with the decision to kill or free Lorenzo Cabot. The reward for killing him is the control of his “artifact”. This is actually just a gun, but its pretty cool.

Also, Should I kill father Fallout 4?

The most civil route would be to disagree with everything Father and his division leaders say. The more dramatic way would be to simply kill Father. If you prefer the latter, you should do one thing before committing infanticide: Call the elevator in the Institute concourse — but don’t ride it just yet.

Likewise, What happens if you let Lorenzo Cabot out? Now, if you decide to free Lorenzo the mission becomes a whole other affair. Lorenzo will then ask if you wish to help him kill his family. … If you stick with Lorenzo you’ll assist in killing the Cabot family, which should be pretty easy, especially if you convince Edward to join your side.

Actually What happens if you kill Jack Cabot?

After killing him, Jack will award the player 502 caps, saying he no longer needs their services. Every quote from him following the quest’s end will be he either mourns his lost family or berates the player for not listening to him.

Is the Zeta gun good?

The Zeta gun is a specially modded Gamma gun that does a low amount of damage without any special radiation poisoning effect. … The drop in damage may be explained by the gun giving off “Zeta Radiation,” a supposedly harmless energy to normal people, but to Lorenzo it can prove lethal.

Is Shaun really your son?

Shaun, also known as Father, is the son of the Sole Survivor and is the leader of the Institute in 2287. He serves as the primary antagonist of Fallout 4 unless the player character chooses to side with him.

What happens if you kill father in fo4?

Killing Father during Nuclear Family will complete the storyline and make the player character become enemies with the Institute.

Is Elder Maxson a synth?

elder maxson is a synth!!! the institute fearing the riseing power of lyons killed him and his daughter, replaced the real arthur maxson with a synth designed to lead the brotherhood into following the ways that got they curb stomped by the ncr so that they would piss off every other faction and doom themselves.

Is Lorenzo’s artifact gun worth it?

Lorenzo’s Artifact seems to be highly effective at blowing off the armored shells of mirelurks, making them much easier to finish off with any other weapon, although the gun itself can easily be used to kill them as well.

How long does the mysterious serum last?

Mysterious serum

Effects +50 DR -10 Rads per second +5 STR SRV Immunodeficiency Increases disease risk by 120% DRP value Chem Provides bonuses, but increases thirst by 13 points
Duration 3600

What is the gamma gun good for?

Due to the potentially high amount of radiation poisoning the gamma gun can do (upwards of 400 rads with a combination of Nuclear Physicist, mods and irradiated legendary prefix), this gun can be highly effective against tough enemies especially on high difficulties (since radiation poisoning is unaffected by …

Is Magnolia a synth?

Magnolia is a synth vocalist living in Goodneighbor. She was hired by Whitechapel Charlie to perform at the Third Rail as a source of live entertainment for bar patrons sometime before 2287.

Is Mama Murphy a synth?

Short answer: no. Long answer: synths drop synth components when they die. Mama Murphy doesn’t drop a synth component. Therefore she is not a synth unless you load a mod that makes her drop one.

Is dogmeat a synth?

Originally Answered: Fallout 4: Is Dogmeat a synth? No, I don’t believe so. The evidence you are giving applies to any NPC’s. He is very intelligent, he was known for helping people like nick before you woke up.

Does Sturges know he’s a synth?

The game makes no reference to him being a synth. There’s no file on him in the SRB, there’s no dialogue where anyone even hints at it. Heck, if the game weren’t on PC, no one would even suspect it. The only reason anyone even thinks he’s a synth is because they looked at the things the developers had hidden.

Can you beat Fallout 4 without joining a faction?

No, you have to “join” at least one faction (even if it’s the minutemen) to complete the main quest. … To finish the main quest you HAVE to join the Minutemen. You aren’t really even asked to join them, you’re just appointed as General and that’s that.

What happens if you kill everyone in Fallout 4?

If you attempt to kill some residents of Sanctuary, they will just fall to their knees and act disoriented. They will just get back up with their health fully regenerated after a minute or so. I killed everyone in Diamond City and they haven’t respawned, only the kids are left.

Is the sole survivor a synth?

No, the Sole Survivor is not a synth. He is the “Sole Survivor”. That label in itself tells you that Nate/Nora is human, being the only fully human (Ghouls being ‘evolved’ or ‘transmuted’ humans) left in the world. Replacing the SS with a synth has no purpose, with no benefit to the Institute.

What happens if you don’t kill Danse?

Killing Danse serves no real benefit. You get promoted either way in the Brotherhood of Steel’s questline. He also only turns hostile if he’s still a member of the BOS and by the time Blind Betrayal hits he’s essentially kicked out and flagged as an enemy to them.

Can you get Lorenzo’s artifact?

The Lorenzo’s Artifact Gun does both physical and radiation damage. You’ll receive it as a reward during The Secret of Cabot House quest if you kill Lorenzo in the Parsons State Insane Asylum. … The gun is inferior to Lorenzo’s Artifact and you can still get it if you kill Lorenzo.

What are the best guns in Fallout 4?

15 Most Powerful Weapons In Fallout 4, Ranked

  • 8 Kiloton Radium Rifle.
  • 7 Gamma Gun.
  • 6 Atom’s Judgement.
  • 5 Cito’s Shiny Slugger.
  • 4 Admiral’s Friend.
  • 3 Splattercannon.
  • 2 The Problem Solver.
  • 1 Nuka-Nuke Launcher.

Is mysterious serum permanent?

Mysterious Serum, which gives you -10 Rads per second for an hour(irl time, unless you fast travel). As for the strength and damage resistance buffs, this post says that it lasts as long as the radiation recovery.

Should I give serum to emogene?

Emogene will also tell you about the properties of the serum which you can give to her – but it will not impact the quest or your relations with the girl.

Can you sell the mysterious serum?

Should the player character decide to free Lorenzo, they get access to an infinite supply of this item, with a few caveats. One may only receive one at a time and only when the Sole Survivor has none left, and the serum cannot be sold.

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