Should you kill Stingtail?

Should you kill Stingtail?

You don’t have to kill him straight away. Just give him the orange and tell him Stingtail is dead.

Also, Will Sebille kill Stingtail?

Stingtail advances personal quests for both The Red Prince, and Sebille through allowing them to converse with him. However at the end of Sebille’s converstaion with Stingtail should you allow her to speak with him, she will kill him instantly.

Likewise, Who stole griffs oranges? The real thief is a lizard named Stingtail, he is on the south beach, always sleeping, and smells like oranges. You can persuade Stingtail to hand you Griff’s supplies, or take them by force.

Actually Where is butter divinity original sin2?

You can find her to the west of Arx on an island connected to the south of Kemm’s Mansion.

How do you wake up a Stingtail?

Strategy Guide/Tips[edit]

  1. If you’re observant, you can spot Stingtail at the Camp Kitchen in the Fort Joy Ghetto.
  2. You can follow him to his location at the Fort Joy Beach where he lies down and goes to sleep.
  3. Interact with him to wake him up and talk to him.

What happens if you don’t let Sebille kill Stingtail?

If she doesn’t kill him you cannot advance her quest line. Also, if you tell Griff Stingtail was the thief during the quest: The Imprisoned Elf, then you will not be able to advance this quest.

Who does Sebille kill?

1. Stingtail. Find Stingtail and let Sebille talk to him. Sebille tortured and killed Stingtail, a lizard Dreamer.

What is the Black Cat in Divinity 2?

As a token of appreciation, the black cat will grant you the Summon Cat Familiar skill, which consists of two spells: Feline Leap and Swap Places. Feline Leap allows you to summon the black cat to jump to a location during combat. The Swap Places spell causes the black cat to teleport and swap places with its master.

How do I make orange griffs?

Take the oranges to Griff and hand them over to free Amyro. Speak to Amyro and he will tell you of an important task. Agree and he will give you an amulet and tell you to seek out the elves so they can save Saheila.

How do I get Nebora remove collar?

Talk to Nebora

Once you’re outside again, pass through the Camp Kitchen and locate Nebora’s tent down the steps just beyond the Shrine. Speak to Nebora, and confirm that you’re the Fort Joy arena champion. After your conversation, Nebora will remove the Source Collar from your personal character.

Can you heal Verdas?

Verdas cannot be cured. The player can elect to leave him alone after their exchange, or kill him.

Who sells Huntsman skills in Fort joy?

Huntsman Skill Books

  • Butter – Fort Joy.
  • Bahara – Sanctuary of Amadia.
  • Trader Haran – Driftwood.
  • Elf Treewarden – Elven Camp, Reaper’s Coast.
  • Fletcher Corbin Day – Lone Wolf Camp, Lady Vengeance.
  • Paladin Thom Hardwin – Paladin Bridge, Reaper’s Coast.
  • Black Ring Reaver – South of Temple of Rhalic,Nameless Isle (Region)

What does Buddy’s key open?

Location. You can find Buddy’s Key in a mound circled in the image, it opens the Houndmaster’s Room in the second floor of the fort.

Where are the oranges divinity?

The lizard Stingtail is the one who has the oranges. He can be seen walking around, or sleeping in the bedroll in the small camp to the West of the Cavern entrance. Kill Stingtail to get the Oranges, steal them, or convince him to hand them over.

How do I find my Lohse demon name?

He orders you to kill a demon called The Advocate and to learn a name of the demon that possessed Loshe. You can learn about his name by speaking with Ancestor Tree. Go to Bloodmoon Island Archives. There, you can find Archivist’s Journal that contains that information.

Who is Sebille’s master?

Sebille’s master is called Shadow Prince and he can be found in Lava Fields. Go there and let Sebille talk with him. Shadow Prince will try to turn her against you.

How do I check my party attitude Divinity 2?

Right-click on the character, select “Examine.” Scroll down the list of attributes, and look for “Attitude.” It’ll be either a positive, or negative value.

What happens if you kill Lohse in Fort joy?

Saheila Lives

Lohse will leave your party and you will have to fight with her, but do not worry, she will rejoin your party after the fight. The fight should end before you kill her, but if you do, you’ll have to resurrect her.

Where is the master dos2?

Sebille’s master is called Shadow Prince and he can be found in Lava Fields. Go there and let Sebille talk with him.

Where is Sebille after dismiss?

If not chosen as your Origin, Sebille can be found outside Fort Joy, near south gate.

Who took griffs supplies Divinity 2?

The real thief is a lizard named Stingtail, he is on the south beach, always sleeping, and smells like oranges. You can persuade Stingtail to hand you Griff’s supplies, or take them by force. If Sebille is in your party she will want to talk to him and will, as a result, kill him if you let her.

Should I kill Daeyena in Fort joy?

If you kill Daeyena, she will drop the Greaves and Boots of Contamination. Elf party members who eat Daeyena’s arm will learn Trigger Spores, which detonates spores made by the armor. You can choose to fight her again if you want to loot her Greaves and Boots.

Can you heal Black cat divinity?

You’ll just have to talk to it again to have it “rejoin” your party. The cat is marked as a yellow dot on the map – keep an eye on it all the time!

How do you free with Lord Withermoore?


  1. Speak with Lord Withermoore.
  2. Find a way into Fort Joy Prison.
  3. Enter the Ancient Passage.
  4. Find and destroy the Soul Jar of Lord Withermoore.
  5. Meet him in Braccus Rex tower at the end of the Gargoyle Maze in order to clean the quest from your log.

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